Sunday, 8 June 2008

A1 - CD Covers

Beck – Odelay

I have been asked to review two of my favoite album covers and describe why I like them; my first choice is the cover of Beck’s album “Odelay”. I have chosen this CD cover as one of my favourites for a couple of reasons.


The typeface looks like one of the font that come with Adobe, it has a remarkable resemblance to Rosewood Std. However the only differences that I can tell between the two are that the font font from the album cover is much sharper than rosewood, Also, the font on the cover has 2 colours red for the bulk and a yellow outline, rosewood std is only capable of having one colour.


The main reason I chose this was for the choice of the image they used, a rare breed of dog called a Komondor. It originates from Hungary and most are trained to be in dog shows and contests, hence the dog jumping over the hurdle.

The dog can be seen in this image jumping over a hurdle, and first impression make the onlooker think that it looks like a bathroom mat.


It also resembles the music itself, I’ve listened to the album and heard a lot of the artists other albums and they are all unique, so really the fact is that the album cover is also unique.

Remixed Album cover

The Odelay album was given a remix, and the album cover was given a redesign, it’s the same image but it has pencil scrawls all over it, it looks as if its been doodled on.

Word Count - 266

Jeff Wayne’s - War of the worlds

One of my other favourite album covers would have to be the artwork form Jeff Wayne’s war of the worlds. It’s been one of my favourite albums for a long time now the story is fantastic and so is the artwork.


Michael Trim originally painted the image in 1976; it shows a Martian fighting machine firing its “Heat Ray” at the battleship “Thunderchild”.

The amount of detail that has gone into this is flawless, I’ve seen some of the other images that the artists had painted and he seems to use a similar style for each of his pieces, the colours varies between light and dark but it also uses them to give off a sinister aurora, this is what I believe makes the image eye-catching.

I like this artwork because in a way it stays true to the originally story, the designs of the machines that were described in the book by H.G. Wells.
The other artwork that was included with the CD was painted by a different artist its but they designs don’t differ from one another the detail is exactly the same.


The actual typeface that was used was a unique style that has a 70’s look and feel to it but it also has that Sci Fi like feel to it. It also goes well with the artwork.
The only thing I don’t like is the fact that the text of logo is not consistent, it seems to drift across too far onto the main part of the picture.

Word Count - 262