The music I obtained was a from the artist ‘Woob’, I could have never imagined what the music was going to be like, when I began listening to it I though to myself, how am I going to make a good review out of this, it was the strangest music I had ever heard.
The class was online all day and one of the questions that rose up was, who was going to have the ‘Animal music’, and unfortunately it was me. The first track was full of birds squawking, and the final track had Penguin noises in it.
As I researched more into the Artist I found out that the actual front cover of the CD had Penguins on it as you can see.
I stumbled upon some reviews that people had given abut the CD; I found it odd that it had a 5 star rating, and the selling price on Amazon was $74.
Mind Maps
The mind maps were basically a collection of emotions, sounds and places that I had interpreted form the music, and put into words, I did this for each track.
I had to create a review of Woob's CD, this was not as difficult as I first thought, and all I did was explain how the music made me feel and where it took me.
I compiled a list of logos, all of which were from major corporate enterprises, I also annotated them, explained what I liked about them, what typefaces they used, ect...
Mood Boards
Today had similar tasks to yesterday, I was asked to create 2 mood boards, which I created in design, I placed images that I found online and put them into the documents, I created 3 Boards this was just to show apportion of what the music said to me.
In each Mood Board I have included images of the words I included in my mind maps, it’s a visual version of them, and I have placed one image of one of them below.

The logos I have collected were mainly taken form a directory site which I found here.
I can honestly say that I am kind of getting into the music, some of it is bad but as it goes on it begins to become interesting.
Designing pieces for the music that we don't really have an interest in will provide us with vital experience for employment. After all, we're not always going to be designing for things we like or have knowledge of.
The best way you can really benefit from this assignment is just to really dig your teeth into and produce pieces of work that you're proud of, regardless of the product.
Excellent comment Sue!
You have certainly made the whole album sound interesting. Great last line “It is not and album, but a journey around the world in 70 minutes”. Looking forward to seeing the other two mood boards you have created.
Before I started to write the review, I looked at reviews that had been written about the album I had been given and I didn’t found them useful because I didn’t have the same views on the music. So I looked at other music reviews, which was good because I got a range of different styles of writing music reviews.
As Vicky has said I also looked at other reviews on different types of music, it helped me understand how to right a good review on the work I was doing. I think mood boards are a very good way of showing what you think a piece of music means as it allows it to become visual instead of just being in your mind, which can help later when you are creating things such as a CD cover.
Also I think that its not the product that’s important but how you make the product look to other people as that is how it will sell. I think this is the point that Steve was trying to get across that its not important whether we like it or not.
Thanks, Martyn
Design for things we don't like or have any interest in is probably going to account for the majority of work we ever do.
This assignment is a great way to get used to that idea and produce some really great work.
Thank you for the link it looks quite useful!
I don't think it is an unfortunate event that you got the animal CD. I would have really liked that one. There is so much energy in the sounds of animals so much colours!
Just a comment about your mood boards, You say you were asked to produce 2. It said plural which means you could have done as many as you wanted.
I think it would benefit you if you did more! The more inspiration you get the better. It will give you more choice when you are designing your final product.
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