Tuesday 16 October 2007

Celebrate good times, Come on !!

Its over, the first assignment is done and has being handed in to Steve, I can honestly say I’m relived its like a big weight has been taken off my shoulders.

I feel pleased with the work I have done, I’m not nervous about what grade I get, if I have got the mark I waned, ill simply ask what needs doing and get on with it and work on it to get the grade that I seek.
Unfortunately, Steve is changing the seminar groups, I was getting used to the people in mine but C’est La Vie.

Last night, I realised that I had to print off a CD label for my work, I know that I should have done this weeks ago, but I went to PC World and got a manual labeler, which cost £9.99, which was lucky to say I only had a £10 note on me.

It took me a while to get it printed, because I had to open up a template in Photoshop, edit it, convert it to a PNG, and then print it off on the family computer, because my Printer is on the fritz.

I printed my work out last night, but this morning realize that I had missed a few things, so I managed to get one thing printed off and would you know it, I run out of paper, I was running up and down the house trying to find some, one hour later I found some under a pile of newspapers, I still don’t have a clue how they got there.

After the hand in this morning, we were given a lecture about Presentations, and how to do one effectively, ill admit, I’m abit nervous, because I’ve always hated doing them, but I think if I follow what Steve has told us, I know I will be able to do this.

We were given a couple of tasks to do over the Half Term, one is basically to do another Blog enter about the half term week, but I will probably end up trying to use Dreamweaver, because I think were going to be using it in the next assignment.

I now know that it won’t be long before the next assignment, so over the next two weeks:

  • Week 1: Relax, recollect myself.
  • Week 2: Prepare for second assignment, complete the reading week work.

For the rest of the week I’m going to re collect myself and prepare for what is next, I know it’s going to be a lot harder than this assignment, but now I think I’m getting used to it, and if, so bring it on.


Suzanne Hullah said...

From looking on the wall in class, you and me are grouped together for seminar groups next term. Looking forward to it!

James Bell said...

I think it is important that we don't worry about the grade that we receive and just make the changes that need to be made and learn from them.

I am also nervous about the presentations but I think that worrying about them will only make them seems worse.

Gary Benn said...

If I recall correctly I think I'm in your group too? I could be wrong!

Its a shame that we are changing I liked my old one - not to say I wont like the new one.

I can understand why Steve is doing it and I think it is a great idea. It will get us ready for working in the real world - people we may not usually decide to work with.

I cant wait to get advice and advise in the new group. I think I will lean different ways of doing things and different ways to develop my ideas.

Victoria Fisher said...

I think the lecture Steve gave us on presentation was very useful, a lot of people hate doing presentations but the more of them we do the more confident we show get at doing them.
It’s good that your thinking about having a go with Dream Weaver, last year at college I had to learn my self how to use the program and I am glad I know some basic so that when we do get shown how to use Dream weaver I have some idea of how to use it.

Mark Torrington said...

Consumable chaos got the better of me prior to submission too. I am still bewildered, that I have used three tubes of pritt stick up already. Thankfully, Asda is open 24hrs. Following my experiences with last unit I have purchased extra supplies of ink, paper and my beloved pritt stick.

Good luck with the results!

Greg Carrick said...

I think it’s good that you’re going to start playing with Dream Weaver, it will help you get used to it and then the program won’t look strange when we come to using it.

And I hope you’re going to get an extra supply of paper, so the same will not happen next time!

Craig Allington said...

Unfortunately, Steve is changing the seminar groups, I was getting used to the people in mine but C’est La Vie.

And that is why Steve is changing them, to stop people getting too comfortable and also to see who works well with others etc.

Chris said...

Make the best of your week off, because it'll be your last. When the next assignments start you'll find yourself always doing work and worrying about college work during holidays.

Never get used to your groups, if there is someone you don't like in your group Steve will notice and put you in their group. Just think when it happens in a work enviroment, if there is someone you don't like or don't work well with, what do you do? Leave a job you like just because you don't get along with someone? Or just get your head down and just get the job done?

Presentations are an important part of the buisness you are wanting to get in, don't fear them, see them as a challenge and the more you do them the less you'll fear them. I am one of the few that actually enjoy them.

Good luck with the grades.

Chris Howard - Former HNC Student